
WSOC的愿景是保护儿童的神圣性, 尊重每个学生的独特天赋, 毕业生以积极参与的全球公民的身份拥抱未来.



“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. 想象力的需要, 一种真实感, and a feeling of responsibility – these three forces are the very nerve of education.”






奥兰治县的华德福学校 (WSOC) invites you to explore the Waldorf curriculum from early childhood through high school.  Our mission is to provide a comprehensive education that engages the child cognitively, 积极地,情绪化地. 我们认可并欢迎我们所服务的每个孩子所带来的独特礼物, 鼓励独立思考和想象, 培养对学习的终身热爱.

庆祝2024-25学年首个正式WSOC精神日, 我们正在对所有的@created进行限时抢购.公司营销! Go to our square site and enter WSOCSPIRIT at checkout to save 20% off your entire order. 生物链接 ...

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions a parent makes in shaping a child’s life. 在WSOC, 我们的理念和价值观尊重儿童的自然发展, 不仅仅是作为学生, 但是作为人类.
We are honored that you have trusted us with your children’s education and look forward to an amazing year ahead!

今天是美丽的4月4日! ...


This week the campers in Grades 1 through 4 explored the fundamentals of robotics with @rollingrobots while campers in Grades 5 through 8 developed their wet felting skills.

除了和滚动机器人一起工作, 野猫夏令营的老师们策划了一系列科学实验! The lower grade campers built spaghetti marshmallow structures and conducted an “eggscellent” engineering experiment that involved Mr. Jay scaling the Aftercare Building and tossing eggs nestled in vessels designed to prevent the egg shells from cracking. The week culminated with a puppet show produced by the upper grade campers themselves (oh and don’t forget the slip and slide and ice cream cones!).

为你的家人寻找完美的夏季体验? 你想了解更多亚洲十大网上博彩华德福教育吗? 从令人兴奋的户外活动到创意艺术,手工艺,甚至父母 & 孩子们的营地和他们的照顾者,我们有一个营地体验给你! 现在通过我们的网站注册(链接在简历中). 名额有限,请立即报名! ...

WSOC在这个骄傲月庆祝LGBTQ+社区! ...

我们为我们最近的毕业生感到无比自豪! Words cannot express how much we will miss you and how much love we send with you all on your journey ahead. 祝贺2024届毕业生! ...

结束了! Today marked the last day of our 23-24 school year, and it’s difficult to say goodbye to one another!

今晚, we honor our 8th grade students and families as they leave the Grades and are promoted to 高中. Tomorrow, we celebrate our 12th grade graduates as they look forward to exciting adventures ahead. 这是多么美好的一年啊!

请加入我们本周五的艺术和音乐之夜! ...

你体验过欧律忒弥斯的欢乐吗? 这里是WSOC, our students are blessed with biweekly lessons led by our two dedicated Eurythmy teachers.

你会问,欧律弥斯是什么? 让我们的学生来解释! #和谐# waldorfeducation

All of our students from Grades 4 through 8 practice an instrument for the orchestra or the band. 他们学习现场阅读和演奏合奏. 几个月的学习、努力和精力促成了一年一度的春季音乐会. Grades 4-8 student musicians delighted their audience with heartfelt performances of pieces by Beethoven, Wolfhart, 德沃夏克, J. 威廉姆斯 & 亨德尔(举几个例子).

我们的学长带我们去了(喜剧)狂野的西部! These amazing students gave two remarkable performances of the Western comedy, Wild Oats. 他们不仅拥有自己的角色, 学生们致力于布景设计, 集建筑, 服装, 舞台剧的灯光和音乐. 我们爱每一刻! ...

What an incredible day for our faculty and staff, thanks to our wonderful families! A busy team of parents shared delicious homemade treats with our amazingly dedicated teachers and administrators. 谢谢你们,亲爱的家人,我们非常感谢我们的WSOC社区! ...

Spending the day outdoors with our wonderful community - we can’t think of a better way to celebrate spring’s arrival!
#waldorfeducation #waldorfmayfaire #waldorfspringfestival #experientialeducation #mayfairecelebration #waldorfschoolorangecounty #privateschooloc #waldorfhighschool #waldorfmiddleschool #maypole #naturebasedlearning #waldorfk12 #handsonlearning #mayday






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